Thursday, December 24, 2009
carrie on

Twas the night before Christmas

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009
stranded in virginia

Sooo since I have all this time on my hands what should I talk about? Well these past couple weeks have of course been busy but have been extremely enjoyable (love this time of year)! December 12th marked my dad's 60th Birthday!...and of course the 7 of us celebrated in style. We booked a reservation for my parents at the four seasons, had cocktails and aps at Chris' (very clean) place, and made our way to Scaramouche. For those of you who have never been a total recommendation!! Top notch!! The food was to die for and melted in your mouth, of course wallets melt a little too, but very delish. On the 13th, the girls and I celebrated our yearly tradition of Kris Krigle exchange, though this year though we were all at Heather's, we didnt all get to be in the same place at once....but so glad we were able to the other weekend. Then to continue the weekend, Chris and I headed to the Nutcracker. Such a great way to kick off the holiday season, however, I think one of us was a wee bit tired. So peaceful to watch the ballet though, took me a bit to settle in, but it was very calming. Fav part the Snowflake princess'...and of course buying a lil' ornament to place on the tree. Then of course this past week was spent supplying and teaching and catching up with Jen. Went out for din to Libretto's on Ossington with Jen, Chris, Dave and Chris to enjoy some italian cuisine...another place to recommend and this time very feasible! I truly enjoy spending time with friends and talking about life over a glass of wine and some great food. Anywho time to close the comp and watch the rest of the movie. But here's hoping we get to leave in the morning...snow snow go away come back another day...
ps. West Virginia seems to be the home of camouflage...y'all let's go a hunting...oh dear!
Friday, December 11, 2009
if i were a fab coat

Monday, December 7, 2009
on repeat

Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.
I believe in Santa Claus
Sunday, December 6, 2009
decorating december

Ps. Florida in t-minus 12 days
Pps. Christmas cd of the moment: Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers! holla
Thursday, November 26, 2009
their back!

Health benefits of my lil orange friends:
Nutritionally packed, a medium size clementine is approximately 50 calories (however no one should be counting calories when eating fruit...but that's just my opinion). It's a great nutritional source of Vitamin C, fiber, folate, and potassium. Also packed with antioxidants, this citrus fruit has excellent health benefits.
Excellent for Vision - Research shows beta-carotene and ascorbic acid consumed daily reduces vision loss related to aging.
Citric Acid for Skin Care - This fruit is loaded with an antibacterial agent, citric acid, which helps eliminate bacteria that causes blemishes. Its juice also helps reduce fine lines because Vitamin C stimulates the skin cell's production of collagen. (holla)
Stress Reducing Aroma - The sweet aroma of this fruit is very calming. Studies show the scent triggers a neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain. When serotonin is released, it gives you a "feel good" feeling.
Enough said!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
make today a healing day
Take a bath. Light a candle. Read a book. Take a walk. Get a massage (yes please). See your favourite healer if you desire. See a movie. Buy some flowers. Drink a cup of tea.
Sometimes we talk ourselves out of doing something healing for ourselves. We're too busy, too tired. But that is when we most need to take care of ourselves. Listen to your heart. What does it want? Listen to your body. What does it need? Trust what you hear.
Make today a healing day.
Then take some time and make
everyday a healing day.
- Journey to the Heart
ps. 1 month until Christmas! That is my healing thought...I will be on the beach in a couple weeks!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ps. I have been supplying every day since I have been signed on....and I love it!! I know I know supplying is much different than having your own class, but I am just so happy I took a leap of faith and went into teaching! :)
pps. Happy 30th Birthday to Josie! May all your dreams come true! You are an amazing friend and I wish you a lifetime of smiles and laughter! xo
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sweet November

ps. Sooo on Friday night one of my good friends Kim was in town. Her and her boyfriend organized a fantastic set menu din at the lovely Grace Restaurant on College. At one point in the night, Kim and Rich went missing and came back with tears and smiles! Kim and Rich are now engaged!! What a fabulous moment! I was so happy to be a part of it. It's so lovely to witness true happiness and to see one of your good friends so much in love! Congratulations Kim and Rich! xo
pps. Kim's ring is gorgeous!!! I of course had a little try on session....sigh!
Monday, November 2, 2009
miss d&d bryce

ps. also got the h1n1 vaccine today...I know there are mixed emotions about it all, but I believe in the medical system and the act of prevention, and seeing as I am in the high risk category (female in her late 20's) I thought it would be in my best interest. my arm is a wee bit sore tho. c'est la vie!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Allow your own inner light to guide you
There comes a time when you must stand alone.
You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.
You must be willing to make sacrifices.
You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.
Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged.
There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.
Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.
Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by.
Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life.
Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way.
Stumbled across this 'thought'...and though I find my life to be unfolding how I always hoped it would, it's always great to give yourself a little reminder to keep strong, confident and moving forward! Got some AMAZING news yesterday that I will definitely share when I have signed the dotted line....slowly but surely! "Life has a way of working itself out..."
ps. you know you are getting old when you go shopping for 'work' shoes and you put away the point'ies and pick up the same shoes as your mother wears....please note though my mom has killer styles in shoes I replicated the same shoes she has that are considered grandma styles - it always amazed me she owned them, but I now find myself in the same boat. Comfort over style I guess?!? oh dear!
pps. going to Whistler in 2 sleeps!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.
And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.
[Chorus:]And in this crazy life,
and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word,
you're everything.
You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.
And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.
P.s: Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Last night was spent at Christina and Dave's for some delish Indian food, and catching up with Jen! It's great to have her home, even if for just the weekend!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Product Endorsements #5

1. John Freida's Sheer Blonde Tessled Tresses Fine Mix Wax: Yess it is a mouthful but I think it's great! It's great for my type of hair: thin (boo hoo), layer'ey, blonde (or trying to be) and for the person who is looking for a little weight on the tips but that doesn't weigh the rest of your hair down. Totally recommend it. Ps. I got it as a promo - and have yet to see it in my fav store SDM, so for those of you who shop else where and see it on shelves please let me know as I would like to stock up!

2. I Want that Body - with my good friend Tamilee (best known for her 80's tapes of Buns of Steel and Abs of Steel). As I am in waiting (last official week) to start hard core running again, I have been venturing out and re-visiting tapes that have helped me keep in shape. I did this tape a couple weeks ago and had troubles walking for a couple days. It has taken me 3 tries before I can do it and not have troubles the next day. Totally recommend this tape to those who need to work out everyday but sometimes need another option. Well just an fyi from me to you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
my desk companion
Let Yourself Be Who You Are
It's difficult to be around people who are trying to be perfect - perfectly healthy, perfectly polite, perfectly poised, perfectly controlled.
Remember that being human means being imperfect, being flawed. Let yourself be. Let others be. Slouch in your chair. Eat with the wrong fork. Laugh out loud. Stand up and reveal who you are and know that you're good enough.
Stop worrying that people will find out who you really are. Instead, hope that they do. Help them by openly sharing yourself and being not what you think you should be, but who you really are.
Freedom is just a small step away - a step into self-love and acceptance.
When you take it, others will follow. And they'll be grateful you lead the way.
ps. Did anyone else notice a little Jake (from Bachelorette) sitting in the audience of dancing with the stars....new Bachelor perhaps? Heather and I think so.
whirl wind
Last weekend a group of us hit up Boobyball #8...great event! Though I think several of us could have eliminated the predrink portion of the night. Oh dear! The following night (Saturday), after sleeping in until 3pm Chris and I made our way to the ACC where we saw Keith Urban rocking it out! I think Chris was a little apprehensive about going to a country concert, but I saw him tap his feet a few times and swing a chicken arm ;) We also met up with Box and Sean (the Hodgins), for a quick catch up and drink. Side note: Keith Urban was fantastic...I couldn't stop listening to his CD last week! Totally recommend tickets to a future show. Cc and I then headed into Yorkville, where we attempted to check out Nuit Blanche. Little bit of a fizzle, but we did our fair share of walking around. I'm sure Queen St. was where it was at. My week then continued with a little bit of un-needed stress :( but fortunately I had another great weekend to make up for a not so great week. Cc and I made the cross country trek and spent a night near Smith Falls/Ottawa for our first Turkey din and then continued to drive 5.5 hours to the skoka's where we had yet another delish turkey meal. My fam was in fine form, and it was great to have Steph and her fam there, and Nana Shiraz (aka Brenda C). Hope everyone else had a great thanksgiving!
ps. I am (un)officially on the Peel OT list!! Holla!!! (Everything should be up and running in hopefully a week or so)
pps. It seems I don't know how to carry a camera around with me...so pictures will follow some day soon.
ppps. Off to Heather's to go knit up a storm, eat some din and watch DWTS. Ahh the good ol days.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
2 tid bits

Synopsis: "The Time Traveler's Wife" is about a love that transcends time. Clare has been in love with Henry her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler - cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to rebuild a life with her one true love." - now onto the new Dan Brown novel: The Lost Symbol
Second bit: I stumbled across a new CD that I am very much

Ps. Thank you Laurie for hearing my call. I can't thank you enough! xo
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
dedicated to my niagara uni friends:
Don't Hurry
Don't worry and fuss about what you're going to do tomorrow, or how tomorrow's answers will come. The way to get through a task, a day, a life is to stay in the present moment.
Racing, pushing, trying to force things forward doesn't work. Not anymore. Hurrying will not speed up the process, or the journey. In fact, if you race ahead of yourself, you may find you need to go back, return to the parts you skipped over, and go through it again fully present.
Yes, there are times we need to press on, times we need to push a bit more. But hurrying won't speed up the process. It will just keep us tense, out of step. To speed up the process, we need to fully immerse ourselves in the moment and then focus our energy, our presence, our emotions, our thoughts, our heart.
Stay in the present moment. Listen to your heart right now. Be gentle and loving with yourself right now. Be open to the guidance around you right now, guidance that will make the present moment come alive.
If you stay in your heart, stay with
yourself, stay in the present, tomorrow's
answers will come just as today's did -
naturally, gently, and on time.
ps. Needed: A job!
pps. At least I have a great weekend to look forward to...Boobyball, Keith Urban Concert and Blanche Nuit
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sara Ciantar is in the house
This evening my musically gifted, british columbian cousin Sara Ciantar is playing with her band at Not My Dog (1510 Queen Street West). She will be on stage at 8pm (at the latest 9pm). She is fabulous!! Come one, come all to support and listen to some great tunes!
ps. today marks the first day of fall....and the first day back in the pool and in training mode. Though I was struggling this morning...it felt so good to be swimming laps and getting back into it (well kind of)! have a great day...and see y'all tonight!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
stay tuned...

Here is the contest info: Virgin Radio and YAK are opening up our bank account for YOU - to PAY YOUR BILLS!
Everyone could use a little extra cash for themselves, so we're making it happen!
Register now and Virgin Radio and YAK could be PAYING YOUR BILLS!
Phone Bill?
Your new Jimmy Choo's?
That Luis Vuitton bag...
NO PROBLEM! We've got it covered!
Register up to 3 bills, and then be listening starting September 8th at 6am! Every Hour from 6 - Noon & 3 - 6, we could be calling out YOUR NAME and one of your bills! If you hear it, you'll have 30 minutes to call us back at 416-872-9999 and we'll PAY YOUR BILL!
Ps. Yes I understand by announcing this contest it will decrease my chancing of winning because of course all of you will sign up...but I believe in karma. Namaste!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
trust each moment
You are not off track. You haven't lost your way. You're going somewhere worth going. Somewhere magnificant beyond the ability of your mind to comprehend. By trusting the perfection of each moment, you give yourself a gift: permission to enjoy the journey.
Don't just take the trip
Let yourself enjoy the ride.
-Journey to the Heart
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What have you been up to?

This past year I have (in no particular order)...
- Trained and completed 3 marathons
- Qualified for the 2010 Boston Marathon
- Travelled for the first time to the South of France
- Graduated from Teacher's college
- Was a bridesmaid for the first time
- Felt a broken heart
- Went on my first blind date in 29 years ... and my second
- Started to open my heart to another
- Had champagne on top of the Eiffel Tower (yup that is one for the books)
- Became closer to my support team
- Started from zero ... but have been picking up the pieces slowly
- Became an aunt to a 1 year old
- Biked 95kms in Florida
- ...and many more...
Poor chap who decides to ask me what I have been up to this past year. ha! Hope everyone had a great weekend! xo (What have you been up to?)
Friday, September 11, 2009

As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building, we became one class.
As we lit candles of waiting and hoping, we became one generation.
As the firefighters and police officers fought their way into the inferno, we became one gender.
As we fell to our knees in prayer for strength, we became one faith.
As we whispered or shouted words of encouragement, we spoke one language.
As we gave our blood in lines a mile long, we became one body.
As we mourned together the great loss, we became one family.
As we cried tears of grief and loss, we became one soul.
As we retell with pride the sacrifice of heroes, we become one people.
-Author unknown
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rollasole, roll up flats, sell for about $8 from a vending machine.
After a night of clubbing in your killer heels and you find yourself winding your way home, most women will 1. jump on the ba

Ps. hope everyone had a great last weekend of the summer. sigh!
Pps. Good luck to all students and teachers. Have a great first day of school!
Friday, September 4, 2009
- Christian D. Larson
ps. have a great long weekend! xo
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Fall Trends

Top 3 trends for the Fall:
1. Fur - ok...I guess that could work...too bad my wallet can only afford faux fur
2. Sequins - yup I've always been a fan of a little glitter 3. Short Hemlines - with black opaque tights I can

Anywho just an FYI from me to you.
ps. have become a fan of Brad Paisley - youtube him - warning: he's country
pps. Boobyball October 2nd....tickets go on sale September 10th!
ppps. going to see Keith Urban on October 3rd!
Monday, August 31, 2009
ps. why can't vacations last forever...boo hoo! - back to the real world I guess?!
Monday, August 17, 2009
a few things

next tid bit...Katie and Sean are officially married. They clean up well ;) Katie looked stunning (Sean you looked pretty sharp too)! It was such an amazing event....and it's so surreal witnessing one of your best friends start the next chapter in their life (especially in a shmancy bm dress!) There were many highlights of the day/night that are difficult to describe (especially being the iffy writer I am), but Maggie had an amazing speech that definitely hit home...first paragraph was shared with the guests...the rest I want to share and try to live by.
"Honour the Beginning"
Beginnings can be delicate or explosive. They can start almost invisibly or arrive with a big bang. Beginnings hold the promise of new lessons to be learned, new territory to be explored, and old lessons to be recalled, practiced, and appreciated, Beginnings hold ambiguity, promise, fear and hope.
Don't let the lessons, the experiences of the past, dampen your enthusiasm for beginnings. Just because it's been hard doesn't mean it will always be that difficult. Don't let the heartbreaks of the past cause you to become cynical, close you off to life's magic and promise. Open yourself wide to all that the universe has to say.
Let yourself begin anew. Pack your bags. Choose carefully what you bring, because packing is an important ritual. Take along some humility and the lessons of the past. Toss in some curiosity and excitement about what you haven't yet learned. Say your good byes to those you're leaving behind. Don't worry who you will meet or where you will go. The way has been prepared. The people you are to meet will be expecting you. A new journey has begun. Let it be magical. Let it unfold.
All parts of the journey are sacred and holy.
Take time now to honour the beginning.
Will post before I leave! Katie and Sean hope you are having a great honeymoon! miss ya! xo
ps. how is it August 17th already?
Friday, August 7, 2009

"May your love be modern enough to survive the times, and old fashioned enough to last forever!"
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Forever 21

ps. I am well aware I am not 21 anymore :( sad but true...but there are some killer stuff in there for all ages. fyi
One martini...

Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Go for the ride of your life
Sometimes things happen. Things we didn't expect. Things we didn't plan on. An event occurs that changes our life dramatically. The event may be good or bad, desirable or undesirable, fortunate or unfortunate. No matter how we describe it, its impact is the same. We step off our usual path and go for a roller coaster ride.
You may have begun a time of deep transformation, a journey chosen by your soul. Feel all you need to feel. Allow your thoughts to flow. Let your body shift as you go through the curves. Let yourself be transformed. Enjoy the ride, the entire experience, with all its twists and curves. Scream in fear. Cry out in joy. Laugh aloud with glee.
If you find yourself on a roller coaster,
turn it into the ride of your life.
-Journey to the Heart
Friday, June 26, 2009
It's the end of an era

Saturday, June 20, 2009