Saturday, June 2, 2007

Past, present and future!

Facebook definitely brings you back to high school times. It's a crazy feeling to think you were once best friends with someone back then, and to now realize you have no idea what the person is up to other than looking at their face book pictures and guessing. I always thought my best friends E, E, S, K & C would be with me until the when did it all change? They were the ones that were with me through the break ups, through the times when I first got drunk, cheer me on as I scored a goal in soccer, picked me up for an early morning rowing session, carried me through the good times and bad, and promised to be my brides maids even if they hated the dress i why are some of us no longer it because we are choosing our own life paths and can no longer relate? I actually don't know how to answer that, but all i can say is, my best friends from high school are what made me what I am today and all i can say is, thank you for being there for me through the gossip years and through the years that helped me develop into the person I am today...but I also want to thank my best friends of today, for we are there for each other as we develop into the people we are going to be tomorrow ! Thank you to all of you who have touched my life in some way, from my past and my future! xo (deep thoughts by Erin Bryce)

1 comment:

Josie said...

I was actually having this discussion with someone last night. Unfortunately you do tend to lose friends as we get older. You can analyze the heck out of it but simple put, I think it is just going through different stages of life. I am such a different person from highschool, heck even from University so it only makes sense that not all your friends would stick around.

As you know, I adore the friends I have at this moment. Now that I'm older I think that I have true friends that love me for me, where sometimes in highschool that genuine love is not quite there yet. I do miss some people that I have lost touch with but if they are true friends and you get a chance to see them again, it will feel like you haven't missed a beat. So I try to let go of the feelings of past friends and adore the one's in the present.