Monday, September 10, 2007

Poor Britney

For some reason I've always been "Team Britney"...I can't pin point why I am always routing for her but for some reason I continue to hope that she will have her big come back...even after she cheated on Justin, married KFed, had 2 kiddies, when she opted for a not so stylish wardrobe (WT), didn't wear shoes in gas station bathrooms, shaved her head and consumed Cheetos as her go to meal....I still believed there was hope...and I continue to was just so sad seeing her performance last night on MTV (was she on drugs? i don't know...but that couldn't have been real!) Any who poor Britney! JT needs to have a little chat with her! non?
ps. I cannot stand Sarah Silverman! eeeeesh! get off the stage!


Josie said...

I totally agree with you. I may not love her music but I never like to see people fail at something, especially if you know that are personally struggling.

After hearing all the bad press about her performance I can understand why celebs do crazy drugs and want to end their lives. Think about a time where you have make a imagine everyone talking about it and laughing at you.

I felt sick for her but also angry. Who are her advisors, stylists, friends??? They should be fired. They should have made sure she didn't do drugs before the show, that she wore an outfit that was appropriate for her body and age, and that show that could make or break her career was over the top. I almost want to call her up and say, "Britney, give me 50 million and I will completely fix your image."

My advice to Britney right now is to stay out of the lime light for a year, wear underwear and pick some new friends.

little h. said...

i feel really bad for her too, but i missed the perfomrance! did you tape it? i need to see it! i know we all have to be resposible for ourselves, but i have been a team brittney member all along...sad sad.