Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

When all were getting ready to go to bed last mom and I were driving to the Miromar Outlets at 12am last night (this morning). We were all prepared on getting up early this morning at 5am to hit the shops, but when reading the newspaper yesterday and finding out our fav outlet mall was open at 12, we thought hey why not go after dinner for an hour or two. When approaching the shops we were shocked and amazed by the number of people who had the same idea. The place was rammed with people!! Even though today I feel as if I either ran a marathon or was out partying last night, I managed to get some great deals and almost complete my Christmas shopping list for my friends and family. My mom and I kept laughing at ourselves last night....well our dreams came true, we have been able to shop all night...and even grab a Starbucks at 4am. When a lady at Saks commented that we were up pretty early for the sales I knew it was time to leave.
Ps. we rolled into the driveway at 6am this morning

1 comment:

Anonymous said... now I can say been there done that...actually shopped till we dropped!!! Shopped all night long...A dream come true...however didn't get my boots!!!!!