Sunday, January 25, 2009

a society plugged in

...and I am one of the biggest culprits. As I was out for my long 22 run this morning in Burlington/Hamilton I couldn't help but think how plugged in we are as a society. I was running with a new friend of mine and at one point in the run we both decided we needed our music to keep us we plugged ourselves into our shuffles, and zoned out a bit near the 15km mark. After around 10 minutes of listening to music I found I was getting agitated so I put the music away, enjoyed the silence around me, and listened to the sound of my footsteps and breathing, while watching the sunrise come up over the water (of course while running). It was actually quite calming...and I think my running partner felt the same way as I saw her put her tunes away too, and we continued to enjoy our conversations. I think what I like most about running is the challenge I set for myself...and I only have myself (my legs, heart and mind) to get me through the course. Okay so I am totally off topic, but my brain is still a little frozen...but as I was running for 2 hours I was thinking how nice it was to not have music playing, cell phone ringing and red light flashing on my bb to tell me to check my msgs. My Sunday runs let me escape the busy-ness of life (yoga included). We as a society are so plugged in, and I am a prime example...when was it suddenly normal to have television in every room, a computer at your fingertips with highspeed internet and a cell phone / bb to be in touch at all times during the day? What ever happened to getting letters in the mail, or speaking to a friend on your house line or actually having to go to their house to say hello and see how they are? Though I am a fan favourite of technology and the more the merrier it's refreshing sometimes to be without it and to enjoy the simple things of a peaceful Sunday morning run!

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