Saturday, January 9, 2010

"In life as in dance, grace glides on blistered feet"
For some reason as I was getting ready today, I noticed this quote that is up near my desk and it made me think (as quotes tend to do)..and for some reason Cinderella popped into my head. Yes random I know...but it seems sometimes fairy tales can give you a peace of mind in a way. ?!?! anywho. Had a nice little walk with Josie this afternoon after yoga, and am heading to see Leap Year with Box (Hodgins) this eve. In need of a chick flick / love story...
Last night also had my school staff so interesting to see people that you work with in a different light...i love finding out more about people, especially meeting their other halfs, finding out what they wear when they dress up, how they socialize with other people, and basically whether or not they release and are able to party it up...and let me tell ya, I am lucky to have met a great group of teachers...especially being the 0.1 newbie that i am :) hopefully there will be more experiences to come.

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