Celine Dion is back from her time in vegas...and she is definitely doing the rounds in full force to let us all know she is here. Of course she started on Oprah, did a lil' bit on Dancing with the Stars (Yay for the results!! Love that show!), and last night she was on the Christmas Special in Rockefeller centre for the tree lighting...and I am sure she has many more appearances to go! And though I admit to love her songs...yes I know you may call me an old lady or a cougar as some would like to call it...but I don't really care, I just can't help but love all the songs she sings, they are very peaceful and calming! Two of my all time fav's are when she sings "Immortality" with the Bee Gees and "Tell Him" with Barbara Streisand (both can be seen on Youtube...however some may think I am aging myself when listening to them! ha!)
Anywho hope everyone is having a great week...mine has been a little crazy, and will only get more crazy as the days go on, but I can see the finish line in the distance (end of Semester 1 that is) I also have a wedding to go to on Saturday and Sarah and I are throwing a baby shower for Jodie on Sunday! Sigh! I am also 'teen'sitting Steph this week at her house, I think she is shocked by my undomesticated ways, but I am getting there and I did cook for her on Tuesday night ;) OK ciao for now!
Ps. Happy Birthday to Josie on the weekend and Erin TODAY!! Hope you girls having an amazing 28th year (your weddings will definitely help with that! Cant wait!)