Saturday, January 16, 2010


Lessons of love, that's what they are.
We usually don't know what the lesson is while we're learning it. Maybe we're not supposed to. Besides, if we knew it, really knew it, we wouldn't want to learn it. We'd already be practicing it in our daily lives. But even when we don't know what the lesson is, we can know one thing: it's the lesson of love.
Courage. Faith. Patience. Loving ourselves when it looks and feels like nobody else cares. Starting over again one more time, when we think we've already started over again more times that we should have had to. Forgiveness. Compassion. Gentleness. Joy. Each one is a lesson of love.
For many of us, the problem isn't that we haven't had love in our lives before. The issue is that we haven't understood love. Know this: not only are the lessons about love, the lessons themselves are love.
Feel your feelings. Struggle through situations and experiences and emotions. The struggle to learn isn't incidental to your purpose. It's an integral part of your purpose, your destiny, your reason for being. Go through moments of darkness and confusion, and trust that the light will come. Through it all, rest in one thought: you're on track. You're on your path.
You're connected to love. And the lessons you're learning are lessons of love.
- Journey to the Heart

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