Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

As much as I hate to admit it, but I do love Valentine's day...I had my placement today and everyone was handing out valentines cards, there was a friendship assembly, all the teachers had a valentines lunch, everyone was wearing red, and everyone was smileing...but the most fun part was that there was an unlimited supply of cinnamon hearts. Out of all the candies in the world cinnamon hearts are my all time fav (might be tied with sour kids) when i started seeing red appear on shelves in late January I knew February 14th was approaching. Now as much as I say I love valentines I also do kind of think it's a lonely day....especially if you're not with the person you love.  So Happy Valentines Day everyone here's to love, and relationships of all kinds, that enrich our lives.
Ps. I do have a date tonight though....Mitchell and I are enjoying a movie ;)


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day babe!! I'll see you sooon!! xoxox

Anonymous said...

What no pictures of your Valentines Date??? Hope you had a good one!!!!!!
Mom xo