Monday, July 16, 2007

Coming to America

I am a fan!
Tonight I sat down with the Dold's and watched "Coming to America" with the Beckhams, or more so with Victoria aka Posh. I couldn't help but to giggle sporadically through the entire hour....not laughing at her, but laughing at her jokes and her english sense of humour. I particularly liked when she was in the license office taking her test and Bill the officer (test watcher) on duty says after watching Victoria cheat "Victoria, I am watching you..." and Posh replies "Bill I am watching you too". The way she said it made me laugh! I also liked when they were in the "Earth Quake Simulator" and the entire truck starts shaking, and Victoria and her friends are caught so off guard. Super funny! Ha! Anywho for those of you who have not seen the show I have it taped on PVR, but I'm sure Youtube has it online. It's very quirky and honest. There is something about her personality that I thinks great! I think it's also because I have read her book and can somewhat relate to some of what she says (not that I can see much similarity, but she does seem super happy and has great arm candy...something I can definitely relate to!) Anywho it was nice to enter into the world of the Beckhams if only for an hour.

***It is now Tuesday morning, and I thought I would add a little bit (especially since reading Lainey gossip and her take on the show). I agreed with everything Lainey had to say (, I think what was most appealing about the show was that Posh puts herself out there, and says things that most people would never dare to say!! I love that she is soo over the top materialistic and wants everyone around her to know it - and yet it seems she has somewhat of a head on her shoulders...

1 comment:

Josie said...

I totally love it too!!
I was expecting a Paris Hilton type personality but she was lovely. She was funny, sweet, and normal. I loved how much she talked about "David" and the kids. This show was a great idea. As for your comment about the arm-candy....she is one lucky woman.