Tuesday, August 7, 2007

12 Things You Owe Your Body

I am currently reading the September issue of Glamour...lots of tid bits about this n' that...what I enjoy the most about Glamour are their simple one pagers. Here are 12 things you owe your body (according to Glamour):
1. A bra that gives you fantasy boobs - through what ever means necessary
2. A long back float on a hot day.
3. A friend who'll stick close by when you've had a third martini
4. Annual physicals, monthly self breast exams and daily seat belts.
5. A little more sleep than you probably got last night.
6. A lover who makes you forget everything but your body.
7. Using SPF 30 - if not 70!
8. Occasional Saturday afternoons with total disregard for to-do lists.
9. The best jeans for your genes (even if they cost $$$)
10. A go-to snack that's more than carrots but less than nachos.
11. Enough workouts so you can hike your way up to that Kodak-moment without feeling like you might die.
12. Love for it. Exactly the way it is!

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