Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bride Wars

Yesterday, Katie and I decided to go and see a matinee at the Queensway cinema's. We decided on of course the new movie out: Bride Wars. What we didn't know was when a movie is listed with a "S&S" beside the title it actually means "Stars and Strollers". Soo much to our surprise we watched the movie while trying to tune out a theatre packed with babies and new moms. Other than a few screamers we were able to concentrate....but the movie wasn't as dark and wasn't as loud as usual...and we were the only ones without a babe! Anywho I don't recommend seeing a S&S movie, but I do give Bride Wars 1 thumb up and 1 thumb sideways. It was an enjoyable movie, fashion was great, kate hudson's dress and ring were to die for (Tiffany Novo!), and the music was perfectly choreographed and catchy....however, the story got a bit wishy washy and I didn't exactly believe that some parts were true to life...but it was entertaining and a great thing to do with a girlfriend!
ps. I am officially on a supply list! yay!

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