Tuesday, January 20, 2009

change has come

I try to steer clear of speaking about religion, politics and life issues that cause much debate; as I know we all have our own views and these categories are never black and white (yes I am a peaceful laid back Canadian). However, today I can't help but think what an amazing day it is. I have been watching the coverage on Obama's inauguration for the past couple days and can't help but to sit back in awe. For it is this day that will be marked in all future history books for years to come! "Change has come" It is also on this day that we see how patriotic the people of the united states are and how we as another country can learn from them. It seems so surreal the amount of people that have shown up in Washington to witness this event! "Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country".
Ps. For anyone who missed the "We Are One" tribute on HBO - I have it pvr'ed! Very inspiring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you watched it...I did as well. Pretty amazing and this is big history that has happened in our life times...
Can't wait till the party's begin tonight...What will Michell be wearing???
mom xo