Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2 tid bits

First bit: Last night I finally finished "The Time Traveler's Wife". I have mixed reviews on the book, but all in all I thought it was a great read! A true love story that I could somewhat relate funny as that may sound. The first page of the novel got me hooked.
Synopsis: "The Time Traveler's Wife" is about a love that transcends time. Clare has been in love with Henry her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler - cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through his lifespan with no control. Despite the fact that Henry's travels force them apart with no warning, Clare desperately tries to rebuild a life with her one true love." - now onto the new Dan Brown novel: The Lost Symbol

Second bit: I stumbled across a new CD that I am very much enjoying (yes I still buy Cd' my previous life music would magically appear for me). For all you Pete Yorn fans, he has a new cd out with Scarlett Johansson called Break Up. It's really good. Very Pete Yorn styles...but Scarlett 'multi talented' Johansson adds a little bit of an old 50's vibe. She is very good and'll know what I mean when you listen to it. Anywho I recommend the purchase!
Ps. Thank you Laurie for hearing my call. I can't thank you enough! xo

1 comment:

little h. said...

funny i saw that cd in starbucks...might that be where you stumbled upon it...over a tazo chai?!