Monday, June 28, 2010


What a strange past week it has this picture really taken on my beloved Queen West? The beginning of last week I was doing the usual drives from Chris' making my way down University to make it to Hurontario and I felt a little bit weary of my surroundings. It was as if Toronto was preparing for an outbreak of some sort of virus (perhaps I was being influenced by the strange novel I am reading), but none the less, I had to drive through the soon to be caged up security zones and felt it to be a little too quiet for my liking! As the G20 approached so did our lovely earth quake! earth quake?? I was teaching kindergarten at the time in LP and of course didn't feel the movement, but it just felt so strange to hear there was an earthquake??? So as soon as I could I packed my bags and made my way to the cottage bubble and stayed away from the kaos! Of course I heard through the news, friends, family and fb that Toronto was a bit of a gong show and it made me so sad to hear what was going on?!?! I am making my way back into the city tomorrow evening and I hope life has gone back to normal!! I just can't believe all that went on. Really did all that drama really need to happen?? If you need to make your voice heard, please do it in another way! Here is to a great week - Last day of school tomorrow, Jen comes home, Canada Day, Chris comes back, attending a Baron Baptiste yoga class on Friday, and hopefully lots more to come! booya

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