Monday, December 4, 2006


Monday night = Fusion night!
For the last month or so I have been a frequent yoga'ian (not a word I know) at Fusion, a class at Moksha Yoga. I have been going to Moksha for a couple years now, but always go to hot yoga; as I feel the classes are pretty pricey so I am not just paying for the yoga practice but for the heat as well. Anywho, Box mentioned that she goes to Monday night Fusion class (not hot...but gets warm), so I thought I would go with her....and I am now hooked! We do the craziest things in that class...from balancing on our hands with one leg going one way and the other the opposite way to handstands and wheel's great! I definatley feel stronger and more flexible (still working on my my stubborn hips though) I also love the instructors opening comments and the special cream she massages on everyone at the end.
I suggest everyone give it a try: came with me tonight (she was great)...Josie you are next!!
Christmas song of the day: "Mary Did You Know" Kenny Rogers & Winona Judd


little h. said...
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little h. said...

you seem to be a kenny lover...i am all about wham today...