Thursday, January 31, 2008

let me clarify

...after driving home from work today and speaking about my opinions on the TDSB's decision...and trying to clarify to him what I was trying to say as he was in disagreement....(but he now understands what I was trying to say)....I want to make sure that I haven't offended anyone and that I clear up a little about what I wanted to say. Without going into too much detail, I just want to say I TOTALLY agree with creating a school that will help underpreviledge kids achieve success and happieness in their lives; but why not call it just that " a school for underpriveldged kids", why the title Afrocentric? By creating a title you are then giving other cultures opportunities in the future to open up their or our own schools based on their own determining factors.
...and as for the Catholic school system comment..I dont necessarily want to teach in the catholic system...I just feel that I grew up to believe that i can do anything in life...and the fact that I am restricted from doing something makes me question the school system.
alrighty to my 8km time trial!
ps. please feel free to share your opinions if you agree or if you think I am off the rocker ;)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Hi Erin, Great entry! Here is a quote from an editorial that I found kind of interesting:

"The idea that all Toronto’s black people share a common heritage and therefore should share the same education is ludicrous. The term “African- Canadian” is completely inadequate because it ignores the incredibly diverse backgrounds of black people in this city. Are we to believe that people from Jamaica, Zimbabwe, France, or Halifax share the same culture simply because they have the same skin colour? To lump together all black people would be to accept the fundamental basis of all racist ideologies—that culture is essentially biological. That what someone believes, or how someone acts or learns, is basically ingrained in their genetic lineage."